

I made the cutest valentine gift/card for Steve, my date for the coming weekend. I was kinda excited bout it so I thought I'd share it on this blog and I just got done typing a vivid paragraph describing it but now Im gonna delete it for several reasons.


1. Well, I tend to overhype things like -"Oh my god, this is the best movie ever! you have to see it. It will change your life" - kinda deal which ultimately the results always end up disappointing the person that Im sharing it with.

2. Its hard to describe in words the visual punch of my creative creation so I thought maybe I'd better not even try because then people would read about it and leave a boring and uninteresting comment like - "Oh that sounds nice."

3. I dont want people to see how cheesy and sentimental I can be. I prefer the stotic tough guy image that I carefully and sucessfully project. Right? Right?

4. Also, Steve reads this blog occasionally and I dont want him to feel pressured to maybe have a little something special prepared for me... altho it would be awfully a nice gesture, Steve. =)

5. I was also gonna scan a pict of it and share it on here but then that would require scanning at the office and html codes that Im just learning to do as you can see and that would just be too much effort for such a small thing that is so not a big deal and so not worth writing a lengthy 5 point paragraph blog about.

So those are my reasons for not sharing what I believe is truly one of the cutest valentine ever made.