

I hate it when I see an acquaintance from a distance and just as I'm realizing who he is and why I particularly dont care to talk to him, he ends up turning his head in my direction causing me to whip my head around HOPING TO GOD that he did not see me, see him.

So then I am staring at a wall, and I begin to panic because perhaps he not only saw me but he CAUGHT me turning away which would make it obvious that I did not want to acknowledge him.

So just in case, I slowly inch my way over to them, looking aloof, and in that right moment when I am sure that I am right in his face, I casually look over and do one of those "oh?... oh hey! What are you doing here?"

But then, sometimes HE pretends to do the "off guard" bit as well which makes me wonder, "Why are you pretending? I know you must have seen me walking your way." And as we continue to talk about the weather, I begin to get pissed off at this person for pretending! What a prick !

So after our goodbyes, I naturally replay the entire scene in my head. That's when I have the most dreaded and nautious thought of all - What if he had spotted me first - WAY in the beginning, back at a distance... and right before I turned my head to spot him, HE quickly whipped HIS head away HOPING TO GOD that I did not see him, see me.

Man.. it's so annoying how FAKE some people can be!