

Steve and I broke up.
No promotion at work.

I don't know what to say, what to think or how to feel.
I just feel numb.

Doesn't it seem oddly unfair,
That anytime you want something.
Anytime you vividly dream of something.
Anytime you yearn and hunger and work hard towards something.
Without a doubt, disappointment is the only guarantee.

So maybe numb is the way to go.

At least then...
Instead of crying, you'll just scoff at the bad times.
Instead of rejoicing, you'll simply smile at the good times.
You'll train yourself to not hope, to not desire, to not imagine
Is this not better than the ardous adventure we set out for ourselves?

I know this is not true.
I know life is all the richer for having the highs and the lows.

But today I just wanna feel numb.
Numb the pain.
