

...And I won't expect a postcard from Trafalgar Square.

That's a line from one of my fav songs - "Love is Different" by Caedmons Call - and altho, I'd always sing along, I never knew what or where Trafalgar Square was.

Anyway, as I mentioned before, Steve is away on business, leaving me here to contemplate some of the obstacles we have been facing in our relationship. Today, I get a postcard from him and its of Trafalgar Square in London! It reads:

"So Caedmon's Call may not expect a postcard from Trafalgar Square, but YOU sure can !"

Awe... not only is he being cute, sweet and romantic, he's also giving me a cultural lesson!

You know, sometimes thats all you need in guy.

Love is different than you'd think
It's never in a song, or on a TV screen
Cause love is harder than a word
Said at the right time and everything's all right
I said love is different than you think